Octo’s Center for Innovation, a collaborative prototyping and experimentation space where we develop solutions for the Federal Government’s most complex mission challenges.
Copyright 2022 Octo Consulting Group®
Mark started writing code on an Atari 400 in 1979 and even helped high school friends hack the county school system computers (back before it was illegal). His interest in technology continued to grow, and he transitioned to electronics, building circuit milling machines that created integrated circuits in silicon wafers using 50kw power supplies. In addition, Mark constructed electronics for NASA satellite programs. After switching to systems engineering, Mark found himself the manager of major network systems. The CIA awarded him the Meritorious Unit Citation for Explementary Support to the Mission. Never one to be idle, Mark took up multimedia and graphics design, creating an entire division of a previous company supporting media production and some initial work in virtual reality, but he returned to his roots in coding to lead research and development (R&D) for multiple new technologies and products. Today, he manages Capital Expenditure programs for Octo, working to create the next new product that will impact the software industry in productive ways. He also spends his time developing best practice guidance and policy that improves the capabilities of Octo’s DevSecOps engineering staff.
I enjoy working in technology and innovation because it’s like a puzzle. Figuring out how to solve a problem and building a solution that changes the dynamic of work is a great feeling.
I’m passionate about my work in technology and innovation because we are working to change how the industry performs software engineering. When you can radically alter the industry norm to a new paradigm, you can’t help but be passionate about that.
In this industry, there’s always something new to learn, some unique approach that will result in a fresh solution. Being static and monotonous in life is not living. Being inventive and creative is how you make life worthwhile.
My favorite thing about working in this industry is not necessarily the recognition but the accomplishment. When you are the one that creates the idea, convinces others to share your idea, then mentor and lead people to build the idea into a reality, it’s probably a similar feeling to being a comic or singer on stage and getting people to laugh and clap.
Coming to Octo has allowed me to work with driven people who have a single focus of delivering the best solutions for federal mission objectives. Doing that means researching new ideas, technology, and techniques in a productive way. Most of my career has been around R&D and innovation. Having led previous efforts in building new technology solutions to meet business and government needs, I understand the real value a lab environment provides to accomplishing federal missions. oLabs is an expression of Octo’s commitment to discover emerging technologies and innovative ideas that will lead to state of the art solutions, products, and processes that will transform our world today.