Project Overview

Automating Data Refreshers in AGOL

Automated refreshers within a collaborative, cloud-based environment.

Many agencies provide customers access to collaborative, cloud-based platforms that allow members to use, create, and share maps, apps, and data to deliver information to a wide audience. These types of platforms often experience high user volumes, low turnaround times, and high visibility of incident management reporting. When agencies use multiple data sources together, data frequently becomes out of sync, leading to delayed data refreshes on dashboards and negative outcomes for customers unless manual interventions are performed.

That’s why we created a tool that automates refreshers within a collaborative, cloud-based environment. This hack provided near real-time data refreshes on the AGOL dashboards, received great feedback from customers and users, and improved data confidence.  

Team Name: CAPSIS Crushers

Team Members:
  • Phani Josyula (Team Lead) 
  • Catherine Huynh
  • Kojo Assasie 
  • Ryan Robinson
  • Juliet Johnson 
  • Ethan Lane 

Targeted Industry

Fed Civ






The DHS Management Cube team (Booz Allen Hamilton) and the DHS Data Governance group are inheriting this solution​.


a Demo

Instead of Show and Tell, we’ll Listen and Show. We’ll listen to what challenges your agency is facing. Then we’ll show you our cutting-edge prototypes and collaborate to decide which provides the best solution and the greatest value.


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